Friday, October 04, 2019

Today - Octoberr 4, 2019

Today - I am at work.
Today - I have a grocery delivery, and need to remember to get cash to tip the delivery driver.
Today - the trash didn't get picked up, so I had to call Waste Management.  Simple call, trash should be picked up by 6 this evening.
Today - I need to reset the table so the boys coming in this weekend have space to play computer games.
Today - it's grey and cool.  A good riding day, but I have a parking pass for the executive garage this month, which doesn't recognize motorcycles, so I drove in.
Today - I need to put gas in the Honda or Subaru to be ready for tomorrow.
Today - I will take at least one 15-minute brisk walk around the campus.
Today - I started bullet point journaling. (this here thing here).  I found it's been since June that I've written in my paper journal, even with a new fancy fountain pen.  Paper and me don't get along as well as I'd like.  I love the smell, the feel of paper.  I love finding old paper that's been hand-written - you have more context and touch with the author than phosphors (or LED's now) on a screen in a standard typeface.  But I still don't write in my bound book. Such is life.  Perhaps I'll print off all my blog posts and make a bound book with hand-written annotations to pass on to the next generation. Perhaps the next generation won't be especially impressed with what I've written, but if there's a generation after that - or someone rummaging in a dump bin - will be interested.
Today, I have written enough.
Today, will be enough.
Today, I will be.

(today - I cannot spell October.  Not changing it. My blog. My misspellings.)

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