Welcome! wxexw - Wired by England by Weird - is the dumping ground for all things Will England - photos, videos, and audio of my family and dog, professional geekery, video and photo tips and my slightly tilted opinions. Enjoy your stay, subscribe to the RSS Feed with your favorite feed reader.
You can always contact me at wengland@gmail.com! - Will England
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Native Sprint Coverage Map
Know what coverage to expect with older single-band phones or plans that don't include roaming
shows you exactly where Sprint native coverage is - without any roaming partnerships etc. Very informative!
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Fracking caused British quakes
Fracking caused British quakes:
A UK energy company has admitted that their hydraulic fracturing project (commonly known as ‘fracking’) probably caused a few surprisingly large earthquakes in Lancashire this spring. But, their report into the events concludes, it should be safe to continue operations in the area. Protesters disagree.
Fracking involves pumping millions of litres of water underground to fracture shale rock, allowing natural gas trapped inside to flow up the well. Concerns have been raised about whether this technique is safe (see Should fracking stop? and United States investigates fracking safety).
Two quakes of magnitude 2.3 and 1.4 in April and May, along with a cluster of 48 much smaller events, struck near the fracking project of Lichfield-based company Cuadrilla Resources. Cuadrilla stopped operations, and commissioned independent reports from a handful of consultants, including a Czech Republic seismic company and a British geomechanical services company, to investigate whether the drilling had triggered a nearby fault. Their synthesis report is now out.
Monday, November 07, 2011
Using AddThis Endpoints for Email Campaign Sharing
We're looking at adding sharing of purchases from our order confirmation emails.
Our email confirmation isn't like your typical newsletter, where you can copy the static contents of the newsletter to a webpage, then point everyone to that static page. Each email order confirmation is different, with different products in the order. We want to help our customers share the new phone, tablet or broadband card they just bought with their social networks.
AddThis normally uses Javascript to generate the HTML code; we can't promise that every one of our customers has a JavaScript enabled email client. Our workaround? Use AddThis Endpoints. What the heck are those? AddThis offers direct access to their sharing widgets via custom coded URLs. You can set up a 'share on Facebook' link or a 'tweet about your new phone' link using just the AddThis URLs. No Javascript needed, no fancy coding. Just pull in the device landing page URL and shoot it into the AddThis endpoint as a text or basic image link!
AddThis.com rocks.
What I'm Doing Lately
- Sprint Employee since 1999
- Began with Sprint Paranet as Technical Solutions Consultant
- Moved to Sprint.com as Java Developer for the Shop platform
- App Admin for My Sprint and Sprint Shop
- Business Analyst for Blue Martini (device catalog); assisted in transition from Sprint to IBM
- Created, led, supervised Virtual Business Technology Ops team
- Developed BuzzAboutWireless.com Community site from hardware, software, content, vendor management.
- Technical manager for Sprint Community on Jive
- Space Admin for Network and Coverage, all Apple, iPhone and iPhone 4S spaces
- E20 Consultant for internal social media – SprintSpace – providing VP level consultation to build new spaces and drive internal adoption, communication and collaboration.
- Member Social Media Ninjas team; Product Ambassador team; NLP Core Team; WebIQ facilitator
Current Hot items:
- Leading cross-functional team to transition SprintSpace from internal IT hosting to Sprint.com team hosted platform, coupled with version upgrade and tight integration with Sprint Public Community
- Lead blogger for Network Vision; working with Network and Corp Comm teams to drive communication strategy around Network Vision improvements
Sunday, November 06, 2011
5 Emergency Disaster Kit Suggestions
5 Emergency Disaster Kit Suggestions:
I’m writing this from a downtown hotel in Hartford, Connecticut, the largest city near me. With me are my three younger kids and my husband. It has the virtue of being warm and lighted. After a long week without power with only a promise of an end in sight, we’re grateful for that.
We’re stormlost.
We got hit hard by the October snow storm and even after a full week, we’re still without power at my house. We were prepared for three to four days of no heat but not for a full seven days and definitely not the eight plus we’re going on as of Sunday morning.
I’ve read the CDC disaster preparedness instructions, especially after the ice storm a few years ago, and took precautions. I’d thought four days of firewood for our little-used fireplace, plenty of D-Cell batteries and flashlights, an excellent crank/battery-operated radio, and plenty of food on hand, plus water would work for our family.
The kids' playset suffered some damage also from the October 29th Storm
But I quickly had to expand what was needed because that wasn’t nearly enough.
Here’s what I would add, especially for geeky parents:
1. A wireless device that is always connected to the internet.
Our land-lines went out. Our cell phone service was glitchy. Basically, aside from the radio, we had no way to contact anyone about anything or find out information about our situation. And, the first two days, we were blocked in by fallen trees. I’ve never felt so cut off. I didn’t even know where the local storm shelters might be. I finally was able to drive out onto the main road, still strewn with fallen tress and branches, and check at town hall. They indeed had a warming shelter and, whew, a charging station.
I never thought I’d need one, since my land line has always worked. I’m thinking an iPad or other tablet with 3G service as an excellent disaster investment.
2. Car chargers. For as many things as you think you might want when the lights go down.
We had one car charger for the Verizon Blackberry my husband has for work. I didn’t have one for my MacBook or the various Nintendo handhelds that we owned or the other cell phones. This quickly became a problem. Even though I couldn’t do internet on my MacBook, I needed a lot of the information on it, plus it doubled as a DVD player to entertain the kids which ate up power.
Soon as I get my life back, I’m investing in one. And I checked out the prices of the car chargers for the Nintendo DS family: $9.99 at Gamestop. Yeah, we’re getting a few of those, plus a charger for the cell phones.
3. Gasoline.
Fill your gas tanks in the face of an impending storm or, if you have a generator, find a place to store a decent supply of gasoline to power it.
At a certain point, figuring out just how far our cars would go on the gas left in our tanks became a serious consideration. You can’t flee a disaster if you don’t have the gas to power the car the entire way and it was a good two hours to get out of the area hit hardest by our storm. We headed to my mother’s on the morning of day four — I stayed with my three younger kids until Saturday morning — and I was just lucky we had enough gas to get us ninety minutes away where I could refill the tank.
The husband, who stayed behind because his office opened in Hartford, Connecticut, was left waiting the next day in a line of “Carter Administration proportions” to fill up his vehicle to get home. I consider that lucky because so many stations were out.
4. The phone numbers of hotels about ninety minutes from your area in all directions.
When people lose heat or basic functions, so do the local hotels. And those that are smart enough to have generators or lucky enough to be missed, fill up fast. If I’d had a list of hotels and called one the minute power went out last Saturday to book a room for the following day, we might have been able to find a place to stay. As it was, it was impossible until just yesterday, when the southern half of Connecticut largely came online.
5. Gasoline-powered chain saw.
We have a chain saw. We’ve used it very little around our house, save to cut down some small brush. And it’s electric.
This does you no good in a storm that knocks out power. On the day after the storm, in the afternoon, the neighbors with gas-powered chain saws took it upon themselves to clear the road way well enough for cars to drive through. Yes, that was awesome. We were trapped in before.
One warning: beware of clearing debris with fallen power lines. They will be dead but they won’t necessarily stay dead. Apparently, the power companies sometimes turn on the power in an area with downed lines without clearing the downed lines first. This boggles my mind, since one would think they’d remove the safety hazard first but there’s even a warning about that on my local power company website. Of course, if you’re without power, you may not be able to read that warning….
The last item is more after-disaster preparedness. I’d suggest having handy the name and address of the officials of your local power company and the local authority that overseas them to vent your frustration about how the heck it could take a week for power company trucks to even arrive in your neighborhood.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Siri Quick Tip: Wikipedia
How to get a job with a small company
Most advice about job seeking is oriented around big companies. The notion of a standard resume, of mass mailings, of dealing with the HR department--even the idea of interviews--is all built around the Fortune 500.
Alas, the Fortune 500 has been responsible for a net loss in jobs over the last twenty years. All the growth (and your best chance to get hired) is from companies you’ve probably never heard of. And when the hirer is also the owner, the rules are very different.
1. Learn to sell. Everyone has sold something, some time, even if it’s just selling your mom on the need for a nap when you were three years old. A lot of people have decided that they don’t want to sell, can’t sell, won’t sell, but those same people need to understand that they’re probably not going to get a job doing anything but selling.
Small businesses always need people who can sell, because selling pays for itself. It’s not an expense, it’s a profit center.
2. Learn to write. Writing is a form of selling, one step removed. There’s more writing in business today than ever before, and if you can become a persuasive copywriter, you’re practically a salesperson, and even better, your work scales.
3. Learn to produce extraordinary video and multimedia. This is just like writing, but for people who don’t like to read. Even better, be sure to mix this skill with significant tech skills. Yes, you can learn to code. The fact that you don't feel like it is one reason it's a scarce skill.
Now that you’ve mastered these skills (all of which take time and guts but no money), understand the next thing about small businesses--they aren’t hiring to fill a slot. Unlike a big company with an org chart and pay levels, the very small business is an organism, not a grid. The owner is far more likely to bring in a freelancer or someone working on spec than she is to go run a classified help wanted ad.
And many small businesses are extremely bad at taking initiative that feels like risk. They’d rather fill orders than take a chance and go out prospecting for a person who represents a risk. And that’s your opportunity.
When you show up and offer to go prospecting on spec, offer to contribute a website or a sales letter or some sales calls--with no money on the table--many small business people will take you up on it, particularly if they are cash-strapped, profit-oriented and know you by reputation. (Please don't overlook that last one).
Hint: don't merely show up and expect a yes. It's something you earn over time...
The rest is easy. Once you demonstrate that you contribute far more than you cost, now it's merely a matter of figuring out a payment schedule.
This is probably far more uncertainty and personal branding than most job seekers are comfortable with. Which is precisely why it works.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Studio Ghibli’s The Secret World of Arrietty Is on Its Way to America (With Trailer)
It won’t be out in U.S. theaters until February 17, but I had the chance to see the version dubbed for American audiences a short time ago, and I loved it. The Secret World of Arrietty has all the polish of a classic Miyazaki film, but is closer in plot and characterization to classic American animated films, so may be more accessible to U.S. audiences than most Japanese animated films. Based — somewhat loosely — as it is on Mary Norton’s classic Borrowers children’s novels, the film may in fact seem somewhat familiar to American kids. See the trailer below.
I very much hope it will succeed, as it has the potential to become a classic of the genre. The dubbed American voices of Amy Poehler, Will Arnett, and Carol Burnett (among others) fade seamlessly into the film as though it had been made with them in mind.
The only thing I don’t love about the film is its title, which I’m afraid may not resonate with American audiences because of the unfamiliar name “Arrietty” (which is taken from the Borrowers, but still isn’t exactly a commonly-heard name). But it has the weight of Disney’s marketing behind it, so let’s hope it finds the audience it deserves.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Why Content-Driven Community Strategies Are Flawed
((What If?))
(stolen from FeverBee)
Information Needs and Why Content-Driven Community Strategies Are Flawed:
Two weeks ago, I met with an organization looking to build a community for entrepreneurs.
Their plan was to create great content to attract people to visit the site and then include forums and other community elements. Voila, a community!
Can you spot the problems here?
First, content is ridiculously competitive and people have a limited amount of time. There is far too much content on almost every topic on the internet. It's difficult to be the best (expensive and time-consuming too). Building up a larger audience to create a community rarely works.
Second, content attracts people looking to satisfy their information needs. Converting these information-seekers to community members isn't as simple as adding community elements. There is no direct connection between reading content and participating in a community. Just think how much content you read every day and how much you talk about.
What if you forgot about content for a moment and focused your efforts solely upon the community? What if you initiated interesting discussions and invited people to participate? What if you promoted events and activities that were taking place in the community? What if you created a strong and unique community culture?
It's far easier to create a unique community than unique content. In fact, many of the most successful communities I've seen are simple forums or mailing groups with no centrally-produced content at all.
Free information doesn't have to be the pull to your community. I suspect participating with some of the most passionate, knowledgeable, friendly, funny or active people in your sector is a pretty big draw too. It's better to attract people to a community that want to participate in a community.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
When is it okay to start worrying?
When is it okay to start worrying?:
A friend was waiting to hear about the results of a job interview. He hadn't heard in a while and he asked me, "how long before I should start worrying?"
Of course, the answer is, "you should never start worrying."
Worrying is not a useful output. Worrying doesn't change outcomes. Worrying ruins your day. Worrying distracts you from the work at hand. You may have fooled yourself into thinking that it's useful or unavoidable, but it's not. Now you've got one more thing to worry about.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Relax: Your cell phone probably doesn’t cause cancer
Danish researchers who studied more than 350,000 people didn’t find a difference in cancer rates between those who had used a cell phone for about 10 years and those who had not, the report said.
Fears of a connection have continued even though cancer rates haven’t increased after cell phones debuted.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
ASUS -- next generation Transformer will be announced Nov 9, ICS on existing hardware this year
ASUS -- next generation Transformer will be announced Nov 9, ICS on existing hardware this year:
Johnny Shih, chairman at ASUS, had a few things to say of interest to Android fans about the popular ASUS Transformer tablets at the AsiaD conference in Hong Kong this morning. When asked about the next generation Transformer (check out the teaser video here), Shih said to expect the formal announcement on November 9, and tonight was a sneak peek of what he dubbed the "Transformer Prime". He went on to mention the quad-core NVIDIA chipset, a 10-inch display, USB and mini-HDMI ports, SD card slot, and the Transformer Prime's 8.3mm thickness. He also let the cat out of the bag for the original Transformer and any Ice Cream Sandwich plans, when asked if ASUS would have it by the end of the year he replied "Maybe earlier than that". Finally, he talked about the Padfone -- a combination tablet and phone that should come around early next year after carrier testing. That's all great news, let's hope it works out that way. In the meantime, we're all waiting patiently for a couple weeks until the Transformer 2, err Prime, gets official.
Source: All Things D
Sprint announces the Motorola Admiral, coming Oct. 23 for 99
Sprint announces the Motorola Admiral, coming Oct. 23 for 99:
Sprint has finally announced the Android-based Motorola Admiral, one of its new Direct Connect phones. It'll be available in stores Oct. 23 for $99 on contract and after $50 rebate, and in all Sprint channels on Nov. 13.
The mil-spec phone (meaning you'll have to work hard to break the thing) features a 3.1-inch VGA touchscreen, 1.2GHz processor and Android 2.3, with a front-facing QWERTY keyboard. Other specs include:- 5-megapixel camera with 720p HD video capture, flash and 4x zoom
- Quickoffice
- 3G Mobile Hotspot capability supporting up to five Wi-Fi enabled devices simultaneously
- 802.11 b/g/n
- 4GB internal memory, plus microSD card
- Sprint Direct Connect
- Group Connect
- NextMail
Source: Sprint
Visualizing Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan to redistribute wealth from the poor to the rich
Maybe you've heard about Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan for America: 9% sales tax, 9% income tax, and 9% corporate tax, and wondered how it would play out in the real world. Here's a chart that illustrates the answer neatly (click for full, farcically long-ass version): the poor will pay a little more (or a lot more, relative to their income), and the rich will pay a lot less, and the very rich will pay so much less that it takes 9403 vertical pixels to express how much they'll save.
Monday, June 06, 2011
Weather Check!
Chamberlain, SD - 75 and wet
Spearfish, SD - 65 and wet
Red Lodge, MT -50's and wet
Moscow, ID - 60's and wet
Nelson, BC - 70's and wet
Glacier NP - 60's and wet in the valley, 50's and wet up top.
At least it'll stay above freezing . . . Seriously glad I'm not camping this trip!
(update 13-June, departing day after tomorrow: No Change. Still Wet. Sigh.)
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
What am I doing lately...
Assorted Roles, Responsibilities
E20 Internal Social Media – Provide VP level consultation, implementation and training for Internal social media efforts on Jive and Sharepoint
Community Technology – Define, drive execution strategy for platform upgrades
Community Strategy – Contribute and collaborate with team on Community strategy for customer facing site
Community Execution – build custom community layouts, assist team with technical implementation of widgets, layouts
Community Reporting – Execute custom SQL reports for variety of requests
Community Network Space Owner – read, review, respond to network concerns by customers; work with Sprint Network team to identify pain points and deliver communication to customers.
NO&W Leadership Program – VP Core Team Representative for NLP program providing support to mentors and protégées, VP reporting on status, leading internal Social Media efforts for NLP program.
Google Analytics – provide consulting, metrics from Google Analytics for Community and other Sprint.com sites.
Google Webmaster – work with system admin team to optimize Google crawl rate, exclusions for Community and other Sprint sites.
Akamai Admin – Provide technical, implementation, contract and reporting support to IT, Marketing, Sprint.com teams for Akamai Edgesuite content distribution network
Search – Provide technical, implementation, best practices consultation for Google Site Search option; Inquira search of Community.
Support – Provide technical, content, layout and implementation best practices consultation for Support team.
Assorted Web Stuff - System Admin, network admin, app admin for TheMobe.com and Varacam.com supporting both Sprint.com and Marketing initiatives.
TheMobe.com – provide Drupal / Word press technical assistance to internal teams.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Community Kickoff
"...rally their core supporters to .. seed the community with killer content that will make newcomers feel welcome and pique their interest. Make it irresistible for them to dive right into a vibrant conversation, instead of asking them to create the first content."
- Ian Greenleigh on building uptake on a community.
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Another Statistically Impropable Phrase
Now I found another -- "bio viral interface implant", or "BV two eyes" from the book Dome by Michael Reaves and Steve Perry.
Came up on a teleconference today about future phone interfaces. And of course there's no summary or link to explain what it is.
And then the call degenerated into a talk about vajazzling your cellphone.
Friday, March 04, 2011
Nuclear War May Stop Global Warming?
Then last week, they posted that, "Even a regional nuclear war could spark "unprecedented" global cooling"
Sorry, what? Is global warming such a concern that 'long lasting global devastation' is a reasonable risk?
Hat tip to FerFal for the pointer.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
ATT Data Rates for 4G LTE
Go ahead and get the 2GB plan -- it's good for almost an hour at normal speeds (only 22 minutes if you get the max speed). Overages will only cost you $1.10 a minute.
Want to 'save' some money? Their lowest plan ($15 a month) at 200MB will last you 5 minutes and 33 seconds at 'average' speeds (5MB). Just 2 minutes and 13 seconds at peak speed. Overages would range from $2.81 to $6.75 per minute of use. Classic! Just like the good old days of Ma Bell Long Distance rates.
Keep in mind - those are *monthly* plans - you get to use your LTE from ATT for anywhere from 2 minutes a month to almost a whole hour a month before they charge you extra. Isn't that nice?
Monday, February 07, 2011
Mo Bloggin
Wow, native blogging software on the HTC Evo. Nice. Is Blogger becoming relevant again?
Even offers in post photo adding: