I have, or rather, had, a corporate demo phone. One of those nice things with the full keyboard and access to all the corporate e-mail systems, etc. However, on Tuesday the account appears to have been terminated. No one knows for sure why, and the billing system where it was terminated has nothing noted other than the string, "TERMINATED".
So, I figure I'll get it turned back on . . .
We had one lady who handled all those accounts. But, she left suddenly. We'll call her ALy (Account LadY).
I contacted the ALy's manager - she said contact her Director, who owns the demo account.
I contacted the Director - he said contact Employee Accounts.
I contacted Employee Accounts, and they confirmed that the line was terminated, and they were unable to modify the account because the account is a Type Z Demo. The account needs to be turned back on in order to work again, and suggested I contact Business telecare.
I called Business telecare and they cannot turn the account back on, They suggested Corporate Activations.
Corporate Activations said that type-Z demo accounts needed to be handled by upper management in our team, who could contact our indirect sales rep to have the account reprovisioned.
So, I'm back to the Director. And I still don't have a phone. At least not one that the work people are going to get the number to.
Such is life in a big company.
I wonder if our retail customers get any better response?
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