Friday, August 21, 2009

Page Nine: SPECIAL REPORT: Black Man With Gun Harms No One

Page Nine: SPECIAL REPORT: Black Man With Gun Harms No One: "in the U.S., people have guns, use guns, carry guns, buy and sell guns, it’s normal. “The only thing odd about any of this is you and your reaction.” “But why wasn’t he arrested? Don’t you realize the president was there?”

Actually, the president was not there, inside his own protective Secret Service bubble, but that didn’t register either. “Is the AP saying you don’t have your civil rights when the president is around? The right to speak, assemble, keep and bear arms -- these go away out there on the street during a peaceful protest?”"

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Originally uploaded by kcsporttour
Alec playing in the hose. (Click for pic)

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