Monday, March 30, 2020

Day 7, COVID-19 Lockdown

Good Morning!  As usual for every morning, SamTheDog woke me up at 0655 AM to go outside. Stiff this morning - unaccustomed labor yesterday with carrying in a week's worth of groceries and cleaning up the back yard. We had a big windstorm the other day that brought down a winter's worth of dead branches from the Silver Maple.  Finally figured I should get that picked up; the grass is due to be mowed.  Pandemic or not, the grass keeps growing.  Today - work. Logged, in checked two issues for the Sprint - T Mobile merger content; not my problem so moving on.  Several calls this afternoon.  Business, particularly mission-critical communications infrastructure and touchless sales and service (website, handset app - my area of work) goes on, especially in a pandemic.

Set up my Flickr Pro account to back up all 50,000 odd photos from my laptop.  (51,627 to go) That makes  4 cloud backups of the photos.  Eventually, I'll get around to paying for Adobe Lightroom and set up a 5th cloud backup and online edit / any device edit (Lightroom CC, Photoshop).  Just a lot of effort, but what else will I have to do in the next 30 (60? 90? 1080?) days of social distancing and lockdown?

So, here's the daily photo of this morning:
March 30, 2020, Sunrise in Overland Park
Woo Hoo! I got a grocery pickup time-slot for Hy-Vee; granted, it's for Saturday, but it's nice not having to wander through the store to pick everything up.  I wonder how much of my order will be in stock.  I still have to go to the local Price Chopper at least once more this week to get essentials.

(10:30 AM) Stores are getting back to normal stock levels - except for paper products. Hit both the local price chopper stores and got all the staples we need and what mom needed.  Except for spinach.  Someone, somewhere, has a basement full of spinach.  Phht.  Good shopping trip, everyone was super friendly, very good at social distancing. Scored on the clams for the wife; super high in iron and mighty tasty in a chowder.  May have to go get some heavy cream and see what I can simmer up this week.
Work is low key for me, although I understand most of my team pulled a 72-hour marathon to rip and redo the Sprint pages for COVID-19 faceless support and sales. Good for them.  Glad I wasn't roped into it.  I've done my share of 72-hour rip and redos.  Currently enjoying a headache (sun glare from the morning errands, seem to have forgotten to eat breakfast).

(1:50PM) I still have a headache.  New project for work. And a 90-minute meeting coming up in 10 minutes.  The more things change . . .  (48,017 photos to upload to Flickr still).

(7PM) Up from a migraine med coma.  Ugh.  Watching Metallica 'live' from Paris, 2017 on Youtube. (42.000 photos remaining to upload to Flickr.)

That's about it for today - have a nice day!

- Will England

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