Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day 6, DOVID-19 Lockdown, State of Kansas

Yesterday the Governor, Laura Kelley, announced that the entire state of Kansas would be on a lockdown (stay at home order (full text - pdf) ) similar to the KC Metro.  Again, no enforcement, on your honor kind of thing, but it's good to see she understands the seriousness of the pandemic.  No changes here; up at 8, instead of 4, which is nice.  Attending church online - listening to the message comparing Jesus and the rule-bound Pharisees at Church of The Ressurection. People come before rules.  Others before Self.  Do what love demands.

(side note - the first thing I do each morning now is shoot a photo from the back door, sun, fog, rain, whatever.  One way of documenting each day. Today is sunny, light breeze and perfect temperatures.)

Sunrise, Sunday, March 29, 2020

(12:30) After church took a run to the grocery. Exceptionally well stocked; got just about everything we needed.  Good in-store preparations; sneeze shields for the cashiers, markers on the floor to keep people separated, plenty of cart wipes. Good times.

Back to remote work tomorrow. I need to run a couple errands before the day begins, so early up for me. I try to do my essentials as early in the day as possible.  First, fewer people out.  Second, most of the stores use the overnight hours to clean, stock and sanitize.  Third, more hours since potentially infected people have been around the products.  Granted, the virus can survive for hours if not days on hard surfaces, but it's a small help, giving 12 or 14 hours of time.  101 cases in Johnson County.

Welcomed 34 new members to our motorcycle club Facebook page tonight, including folks from Moscow, Canada, and Turkey.  Found out one of my old contacts from the Long Distance Riders group has moved to Costa Rica and opened a bed and breakfast there.  Interesting connections.  Guessing with the shelter in place orders a lot of folks are riding their keyboards and looking for connections with similar interests.

7PM here; going to wind down and wrap up for the day; hope to get an early start on tomorrow. Be safe, wash your hands, and keep your distance.

Postscript - a photo of a flower.

Daffodil in the back yard, 3/29/2020. Canon 90d, Canon 10-18mm@10mm.  f/4.5 for 1/160th at ISO 200.

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