Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Day 16, COVID-19 Lockdown

Wednesday.  Today is Wednesday, April 8th.  I went to bed just after midnight - spent way too much time playing with video last night - and got up shortly before 7AM.  Woke up at 0400 as usual, but managed to stay in bed and doze until just before the alarm went off.  So I'm up, got a nice shot of pre-sunrise.  Red skies at morn, Shephard take warn.  While no storms today, the winds will be up, and storms and a cold front are on their way tomorrow.  Meanwhile - the photo:

*Hot* today; 88 by the neighbor's weather sensor.  Waiting to go out till the sun drops some. I need to go up and move my mom's trash cans to the curb; get our cars re-stacked and out of the way and our trash cans put out, and I think I have a prescription waiting for me at the drugstore.  That'll wait until tomorrow morning. Social Distancing works better first thing in the morning.

Given that we're working from home full time now I broke down and ordered a very small desk (they call them 'occasional tables' that's just the right size and depth to put under the window in the bedroom, beside the bed.  I also ordered a 27" 4K monitor (Dell Ultrasharp).  They should be here in the next couple of weeks.  Let's hope I'm healthy enough to get some use out of them.

The health experts are predicting the worst of COVID-19 will be in the next two weeks; the statistics show that we'll just be hitting the 1% point; an exponential growth rate has 90% of the growth happen in the last 1% of time. So either we'll be at the tipping point in 2 weeks, or in the midst of unimaginable infection rates.  I can guaran-damn-tee you I won't be going into the office before June just on general principles. We'll just leave that there.

Currently still enjoying a headache from the weather change. 

Ignored the headache long enough to get out and use up two spindles of weed eater wire cutting proper edges into the front lawn.  I haven't had a chance to do that in a couple of years.  Very nice out; the sun was setting cool breeze picked up.  I had a good time digging in the dirt.  I came back in and went through PC Parts Picker to work up a wicked PC build using the newest 12-core AMD chip and PCIE-4 video card. Couple grand, plus sort out the KVM switching between the desktop machine and at least one laptop.

Did some more self-training on Davinci Resolve - the wife found an 8-year-old cell phone video, absurdly shakey, of the oldest daughter playing Just Dance.  Went through all the stabilization algorithms, finally had to do some minimal stabilization, crop the video to clean up where the edges showed from the stabilization, then zoom the video back to normal size so we didn't have black bars top, bottom, left and right.  Not going to post it here as it's just a family video.  Sure could have used those 12 cores though!

Now - off to get some dinner (at 10PM at night) and watch an episode of Picard.

Till tomorrow,
Your faithful scribe,

Will England

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