Friday, March 27, 2020

Day 4, COVID-19 Lockdown KC Metro

Good morning!  Quite the thunderstorm we had overnight.  The calibrated bucket hasn't been emptied or sorted out in weeks since I found a scout leader with a weather station two blocks up from me.  Let's see what his station shows for rain totals.  0.94" Rain totals overnight. Figured as much; its exceptionally damp outside and the sunrise has been rescheduled for a raising gloom.
'A Raising Gloom on Day 4, Friday 27-March'
Today we have a call to decide how to measure how we're advertising to you at the phone line level - "Add Insurance to your Phone Line" and "Upgrade your phone now - for less" and such.  We're doing this via an 'intelligent' system, so we need new measurements for it.  Thus, I get to explain to the wider team how we've done it before and how I see it working on this instance.  Since we're meeting with the team, I'll need to be showered and dressed for a video conference. New thing, this - we've never used video before in our meetings, but a few months back our Director (Senior Manager) cam back from a meeting with the high up people and shared with us that the 'Oak Row' leadership really likes to see peoples faces in teleconferences, so please use video. Ok, can do.  Just means dressing up on a cool lazy Friday.

Been keeping to a normal schedule this week of quarantine/lockdown for the COVID-19 virus.  Up at 7, coffee, shower by 8.  The only change is instead of 8:30 AM drive to work, I'm logged in my 7:05 AM, and working through till 5 or 6 PM. Telecommuting certainly adds hours to your workday.  Very pleasant, calm, and peaceful.  No complaints here. Another essentials run today; refill prescriptions at the pharmacy.  Be interesting to see how they are doing social distancing measures. If it drys out by lunch hour I'll take the motorcycle; otherwise, fire up the Subaru.  The oldest son has a day shift at the sandwich shop today. They're doing door side pick up and delivery only - no customers in the store.  The biggest risk for him is the driver coming and going is in contact with a few people.  Orders at the sandwich shop have been way off.  A few hundred dollars a shift vs a few thousand a month back.  The oldest daughter was furloughed from her position there.  Puts a crimp in paying tuition at the community college next fall for her.

Found the easiest way to do this journaling thing is to leave a Blogger post open in a window on one of the laptops all day, as I pass by and listen to the spring birds, I key in a few paragraphs.  I do like to write; always have.  I've gotten the occasional compliment on my writing by those few that read it. Used to write motorcycle trip reports.  Those have been curtailed for a long while, and this lockdown won't help matters any.  Perhaps again someday . . .

Been basically doing what I grew up doing - staying home, out of social contact, watching movies on Turner.  Back in the day, we had 12 or 13 cable channels on a push-button box, one of which was TBS; now the good movies are on TCM, Turner Classic Movies.  So, just like old times for me.  Closed out tonight with 'Destination Tokyo'.

And, a photo of the sunset to close Day 4.

- Will England

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