Thursday, November 07, 2019

How to select multiple photos and edit / delete in Flickr

As times pass, you will find that some chunks of photos are no longer relevant, or you no longer want to display them on Flickr publicly -- changes in jobs, relationships, organizations, or just a bunch of 'potatoe' photos.

The simplest way to find and edit or delete photos from Flickr is to log in, then go to your Camera Roll. From there you find a nice data selector running down the left side of the screen, so you can quickly scroll to the timeframe you want to modify.

Click each photo you want to change, or click 'Select All' for the date - they'll appear in a bin at the bottom of the screen.  Given it's a web app, I suggest keeping your selections relatively small - less than 50 or 100 images at a time. From there, you can lock (set the privacy to only you for visibility), Edit, Add to Album or Delete. Over the course of a lazy Saturday morning you can easily remove or hide hundreds of photos, keeping your curated photo roll clean and reflecting the best of what you want to showcase.

Sometimes, it's easier to select the entire day, then unselect the few images you wish to keep.  Unfortunately, after each delete Flickr resets the camera roll to the top of the date list, so you have to drill back down to find the next date to update.

I hope this helps others - the answers on the Flickr discussion board were less than clear, so I felt a quick visual blog post on bulk editing, mass deletion, or changing the privacy of many photos in your Flickr account was appropriate.

- Will England

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