Thursday, November 03, 2016

Adding a home screen on the LG X power

By default, the LG X power Home Screen with App Dock only comes with two home screens for widgets and icons.  This quickly gets cramped as you add weather widgets, agenda widgets and more.  While limiting the number of home screens can help to reduce CPU and memory usage from widgets, it does limit your flexibility and creativity in using the phone - which is a key feature of Android!

So, lets figure out how to add more home screens to allow you to customize your LG X power to the max.  Unlike most Android phones where you simply drag a widget or icon to the edge of the screen the LG X power is different in how you add more home screens.  To add a new home screen to the LG X power when you are running the Home Screen with App Dock, you need to pinch from the corners diagonally - at which point you will get this view:

Tap the '+' button to add a new home screen for more widget space, icon storage or more. 

That's as hard as it gets - just pinch diagonally and tap plus!

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