Friday, September 29, 2006

Definition of terrorism

Quiet day at work, so I surfed out to the Library of Congress to check out the text of the latest terror bill, HR 6166. (note - big-old-pdf file there, 90 pages)

Specifically, the definition of a terrorist (page 76, starting on line 21). As I read it, it's rather fuzzy, so I sent the following letter to Dennis Moore, my representative here, who voted for this measure.

In the recently passed HR6166, I have a question about paragraph 24 of section 950v, the definition of a terrorist:

It reads that a terrorist is any person who (kills) or (engages in an act of wanton disregard for human life to intimidate the gov't or civilians)

Then it gets fuzzy. The next clause says "or to retaliate against government conduct" - is that an explanation of (engages in an act), or is that a separate clause that could be read as:

"A terrorist is a person who engages in an act to retaliate against government conduct".

If it's the second reading, I have a real problem with that - Donating to the Green party, attending a demonstration or voting against Bush could all be seen as acts retaliating against government conduct. This e-mail could be seen as such an act.

Could you please have your staff research this and get back with me?

I wonder what I'll get back on this. . .

Monday, September 25, 2006

Friday, September 22, 2006

Movie to rent The Librarian

Quote about security engineering

It's hard to find all the security bugs in a piece of software:

"It's like microwave popcorn. You nuke it and in the first few minutes you can get almost all of the kernels (exploits) popped. Then the rate of popping slows down. After a while, you simply have to stop or else you'll burn right through your profit (of warm, yummy popped corn)."

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Ah, Fall. In Kansas, Fall is when everything turns green again, after the harsh dry summer.

Click for a short video of my lawn and flowers...

Awesome Quote

"Makes me want to reach for a rapid-fire assault-lawyer"

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Odd hack - negative screen

On your Macintosh, press [ctrl] [option] [command] 8 all at the same time.

Flips all the colors to negative.


Fun, but weird. Odd bit - you cannot screen capture the reverse image.

New Photo Links

Over ---> There! On the right - down a bit - I've added the most recent and 'random' images from my personal photo gallery over on Mylanders. I think it's stable enough that everyone can go look at the photos. If you get a lot of 'broken' or missing images, drop me a line.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Picture Share!

STOCers waiting for the bar to open

A Picture Share!

Which one of these is not like the other?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Picture Share!

Whit Brown still working at 8pm!

A Picture Share!

Clear view was the vendor today. Free hot dogs and test rides with their screens.

How do you call in sick to a vacation? After the rain in New Mexico I came down with a nice cold. Today I rest and head to the library.

A Picture Share!

After a rainy first day we had great riding weather in Colorado.

A Picture Share!

Saturday we arrived in new mexico. Now I am in Golden Co. Finally have PCS service!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Off to WeSTOC!

Heading out for WeSTOC 2006 in Colorado. Like before, watch this space for SprintPCS picturemail posts, Audioblogger posts, and this time maybe even a few real photos. I have to take my laptop for my college course, so when I stop to do my quiz, I may even update the blog...

Till later,
